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Volim seks i rado ga se secam! I love sex and remember dearly. Nikad u zivotu nisam video ovako nesto. Ne placem, samo drhtim, od emocija. Sta nam se ovo desava? Never in my life have I seen something like this. I don’ t cry, its just that emotions make me shiver. What is happening to us? Slobo, jel`ti jebes jos nesto sem nas? Sloba, do you fuck anyone apart of us? |
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Slobo, zasto kazes
ljubav, a mislis na seks? Sloba, why do you say love, while thinking sex? Volim seks i rado ga se secam! I love sex and remember dearly. Nikad u zivotu nisam video ovako nesto. Ne placem, samo drhtim, od emocija. Sta nam se ovo desava? Never in my life have I seen something like this. I don’ t cry, its just that emotions make me shiver. What is happening to us? Slobo, jel`ti jebes jos nesto sem nas? Sloba, do you fuck anyone apart of us? |
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dokumentacijom, na ime laznih, nepostojecih i mrtvih
invalida rata, opljackali VJ za 1.285.000 dinara. "Majku vam jebem, fasisticku da vam jebem!" (izmanipulisana beba) Using forged documents in the name of nonexistent and dead invalids of war, they robbed Yugoslav Army and took 1,285,000 dinars. " Mother f ucker, I" ll fuck your mother, fashist mother fucker. (manipulated baby) |
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na Vuka Draskovica! U dramaticnoj noci izmedju 2. i 3. februara na mene je izvrsen ATENTAT! Ipak, srecom, uspeo sam da umaknem placenim ubicama koje je poslala Mirjana Markovic i koji su pucali na mene. The attemted assassination of Vuk Draskovic! The attemted assassination took place in the dramatic night between February 2nd and 3rd, luckily I managed to escape. Mercenaries paid by Mirjana Markovic who have tried to shoot me. |
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Javljam se iz
stana moga prijatelja, nisam ni ja vise naivan. Posle
toga sklonicu se na neko drugo mesto. Mozda me i dalje
prate placene ubice, ali neka.... I am calling from my friends place, I am not naïve anymore. After that I’ll move to another place. Mercenaries may follow me still but let them… |
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