Rezim je angazovao specijalne grupe batinasa i ubica, koje se pripremaju u Kuli. Mi imamo imena tih ljudi i uskoro cemo ih objaviti.

The regime engages bullies and killers specially trained in the city of Kula. We have names of these people and we’ll published them soon.



  Postoji, pre svega, sistem direktorske vladavine, koji bi uz pomoc vladavine haosa i trikova omogucio totalni monopol rezima nad svim vrednostima koje jos nisu u njihovim rukama. Uz pomoc zandarmerije koju je formirao, radnici u firmama bi radili za plecku, polutku ili deset kila krompira.To bi bila jedna varijanta teroristicko-robovskog uredjenja, u kome bi narod bio eksloatisan na jos nevidjen nacin.

Before all else, there is a system where managers rule. Helped by chaos and tricks this system would enable regime to seize the total monopoly over the areas still out of their reach. With the help of police formed by himself, people would work for a peace of beef or 10 kilos of potatoes. We woold witness a sort of society based on terrorism and slavery where people would be exploited in a way not seen yet.


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