Dva nivoja cloveske eksistence, pragmaticni in vecnostni, se prepletata v silhuetah
profilov dveh moskih, ki sta v bistvu ena in ista oseba. Prvi nivo je prikazan skozi
zgodbo vsakdanjika, drugi pa je ognjemet - svetlobni bliski,
ki risejo poteze v obraze. Pescena ura meri cas, kot ga razumemo ljudje. Na koncu
ugotovimo, da sta obe silhueti le se doprsna kipa z registrskimi listki depoja,
nekoc zivega cloveka. Vse je le spomin na neko eksistenco.
Two components of human existence (pragmatic and eternal) are interwinted in the
silhouette profiles of two men, who are in fact one and the same person. The first
level is represented by an average day, while the other is represented by
fireworks - light flashes drawing features on faces. Both silhouettes become two
busts in the end, labelled with inventory tags, of a once living man. Everything
is but a memory of an existence.