s t e b e r
p i l l a r

Video instalacija / installation, 1997, kamera / photography Zoran Vadnu, montaza / editing Goran Glavicic, glasba / music Borut Krzisnik

"S 'Stebrom' Prosenceva preucuje zunanjost telesa - teksturo koze, obrise misic, oglate robove bokov ali komolcev, vendar edinstvenost fizicnega utelesenja zaplete tako, da kombinira vec teles. V resnici vidimo slike prepletenih teles, ki se mesajo in zlivajo, dokler ne postanejo ena sama plastovita amorfna cloveska oblika. S tem delom nam Prosenceva pokaze, da so meje telesa spremenljive in nam ponuja novo dojemanje jaza, ki se siri preko roba telesnih omejitev. Poleg tega Prosenceva projicira to telo na steber in tako cvrst tridimenzionalni prostor preobrazi v cutno gibanje. Prostor umetniskega dela postane domisljijska projekcija, ki se siri iz nasega obcutenja bivanja v enem telesu v neko vrsto obce medsebojne povezanosti, ki jo Prosenceva nedvomno obcuduje."

Holly Willis

"With 'Pillar', Prosenc studies the body's exterior - the texture of skin, the ripple of muscles, the angular edges of a hip or elbow - but complicates the singularity of physical embodiment by combining more than one body. Indeed, what we see are images of intertwined bodies as they merge and blend to become one layered, amorphous human form. With the piece, Prosenc suggests the mutability of the body's boundaries, inviting us to understand a sense of self that expands beyond the confines of somatic limitation. Further, Prosenc projects this body onto a pillar, in effect transforming the solidity of three-dimensional space into one of sensuous movement. The space of the artwork becomes a fantasy projection extending from our own sense of embodiment while suggesting a kind of interconnectedness that Prosenc clearly admires."

Holly Willis