t a m
o v e r   t h e r e

Video film - instalacija / film - installation, 1991, kamera / photography Aleksander Smuc, montaza / editing Milan Milosevic, glasba / music Milko Lazar, 7'08"

" Ta video film je prezet s skrivnostnostjo, gledalec nestrpno pricakuje, da se bo zgodilo nekaj magicnega in nenavadnega. Obcutek skrivnostnega se navezuje na idejo labirinta, ki vzbuja nasprotujoca si obcutja, ko se nemir spremeni v neustavljivo zeljo, da bi izzivali usodo. V tem videu so podobe pocasne in premisljene. Preseneca gibanje telesa, ki je v delih Natase Prosenc vselej pomemben element. Pojavijo se nenavadna bitja vpeta med zemljo in nebom (zrakom), elementoma, s katerima umetnica ustvarja svoje 'videoalkimije'."

Aurora Fonda

"This film is dominated by a sensation of mystery: you wait with trepidation for something magical, extra-ordinary, to happen. The sense of mystery is linked to the idea of the labyrinth, which provokes contrasting sentiments with apprehension turning into the inexorable desire to continue the challenge with fate. The images in this video are slow and carefully thought out. It makes an impression above all through the gestures of the body, a highly important part of this artist's work which will be explored further. Strange creatures appear torn between earth and sky (air), two of the four elements with which Natasa Prosenc creates her 'video alchemies'."

Aurora Fonda