Film raziskuje
kontradikcije kulturno pogojenih stereotipov v odnosu med zensko in moskim. Je tudi parabola o projekcijah zelja. O moski potrebi po osvojitvi vrha, cilja, zenske. O zenski pasivni
zapeljivosti in pricakovanjih, ki se nikoli ne uresnicijo. Med tistim, kar ljudje mislijo, si
predstavljajo, zelijo ali nacrtujejo, in tistim, kar uresnicijo, je nepremostljiva razlika.
The film
approaches contradictions of culturally defined stereotypes of the relationship between women and man. It is also a parable about projected desires, about the man's need to conquer the summit, his goal or a woman,
about the woman's passive seductiveness and the expectations that never come true. There is an
insurmountable gap between what people think, imagine, desire or plan, and what they accomplish.