Ko je samota pre boleca, si zacnemo umisljati stvari. Filmski projekt
v dvoje" je sestavljen iz dveh kratkih filmov: "Jutro" in "Vecer", katerih
se dogajata na meji resnicnosti in iluzije. V "Jutru" je predstavljen
kot moskega, v "Veceru" pa zenske. Oba filma se osredotocata na tematiko
osamljenosti / izoliranosti posameznika v sodobni druzbi.
When solitude becomes too painful, we start imagining things. The film
project "Alone Together" is comprised of two short films: "Morning" and
whose stories unwind on the boundary of reality and illusion. Both
films are
focused on the theme of the individual's solitude / isolation in
contemporary society, "Morning" from the male perspective and "Evening"
from the