m o r e

Video instalacija / installation, 1997, kamera / photography Zoran Vadnu, montaza / editing Goran Glavicic, glasba / music Borut Krzisnik

Video instalacija "More" prikazuje dele teles v gibanju iz nenavadnih perspektiv, tako da aludirajo na gibanje vode. Talno pozicionirani monitorji in sprememba barve iz kozne v modro, sugerirata zvezo / podobnost med kozo in vodno gladino, ki obe sluzita kot meja zunanjega in notranjega, sta hkrati senzor in prevodnik. The video installation "More" shows parts of bodies in motion from unusual angles and perspectives, so they remind us of the movement of water. The placement of the monitors on the ground and the change of color suggests the similarity / link between skin and the surface of water, serving as borderline between inside and outside, while being a sensor and transmiter.