"Gledalec se je znasel v popolni temi, ki so jo razsvetljevali trije modri vertikalni ekrani,
na katere je bila projicirana, stalno ponavljajoca se podoba sesipajoce se zemlje. Elektronska
obdelava slike je ustvarjala vtis, kot da gre za neko gibanje prasnovi, ki se stalno ponavlja in
obnavlja. Drobljenje materuje, vibriranje slike in konstantno ponavljajoci se zvoki so ustvarili
ambient magicnega obreda - kot bi s pomocjo elektronske instalacije vstopili v misticno mantro in
v njej ostali ure in ure."
Tomaz Brejc
"The viewer found himself in darkness illuminated only by three vertical blue monitors
onto which was projected an endlessly repetitive image of falling soil. The electronic
processing of the image created the impression of the motion of primordial matter perpetually
repeated and renewed. The fragmentation of the material, the vibration of the image and the
endlessly repetitive sounds created an ambience of magic ritual, as if the electronic
installation had placed us in the thrall of a mystical mantra where we stayed for hours."
Tomaz Brejc