b e t o n s k i c l o v e k |
c o n c r e t e m a n
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Film, 16 mm, 1995, scenarij / screenplay Natasa Prosenc, Tomaz Brate, kamera / photography Andrej Lupinc, montaza / editing Nika Lah, glasba / music Milko Lazar, luc / lights Milan Prebil, scenograf / production design Tomaz Brate, skulptura / sculpture Saba Skaberne, kostumografka / costumes Janeta Coh, maskerka / make-up artist Gabriela Fleischman, igralci / actors Judita Zidar, Jerica Merzel, Janja Majzelj, Pavle Ravnohrib, Janez Habic, Bojan Emersic, Borut Veselko, Ivan Peternelj, produkcija / production Sfinga - Franci Zajc, 15'45" |
Zenski cevelj obtici v svezem betonu sredi mesta. Njegova lastnica, vrzena iz
svojega vskdanjega hitrega ritma, zeli nestrpno resiti situacijo.
Nepricakovani dogodki ji eden za drugim krizajo nacrte. Njen svet urbanega zivljenja,
obveznosti in opravkov, se spreminja v romanje za izgubljenim cevljem... dokler se koncno
ne prepusti toku dogodkov. Konec filma ji odkrije iskani predmet, ki pa v trenutku najdbe ni
vec glavni motiv njenega iskanja.
A woman's shoe gets stuck in concrete in the middle of the city.
Her usual rhythm of life is disturbed. She is impatient to solve the problem.
But a string of unexpected events interferes with her plans. Her world of fast living,
obligations and errands turns into a pilgrimage to find the lost shoe... until she
finally gives into the flow of events. At the end of the film she finds the shoe, which has by now
lost its role as the primary motive for her search.