"V tvojem telesu je vec modrosti, kot v tvoji najglobji misli."
F. Nietzsche
Posnetki telesa so predstavljeni v dveh barvah v narascajocem ritmu, ki obcasno doseze klimaks, katarzo
in se kasneje spet umiri ali docela ustavi. Gibljive slike misic, rok in torza se spreminjajo iz konkretnih v vse
manj prepoznavne. Deli telesa zazivijo svolje lastno abstraktno zivljenje, za katerega se zdi da se je osvobodilo
obicajnih omejitev telesa.
"There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest thought."
F. Nietzsche
Images of the body are presented in two colors in increasing rhythm, reaching periodic
climaxes, catharses, and then quiescence. Close shots of muscle, hands, and torso proceed from
concrete to barely recognizable. The parts of the body take
on an abstract life of their own, which appears to be freed
from the actual limitations of human body.