Milena mi je narocila, da ti posljem besedila e-mail-ov pri komunikaciji z NBK
v Berlinu (3 e-mail-i loceni z *******).
tomaz trcek
Dear Dr. Alexander Tolnay,
At the moment Neuer Berlininer Kunstverein is hosting exhibition VULGATA from
Modern Gallery Ljubljana.
Last year I was invited to an exhibition VULGATA in Laafeld by curator Gregor
Podnar, where he informatively introduced eight years of my previous work: "The
Pocket-size State of Scarecrows".
In the beginning of this year I was invited by the same curator to VULGATA U3
in Ljubljana, where I took part with independent action: "Marry G. Help".
The action was performed by my assistant Tomaz Trc ek (see attachments). The
aim of this action was to put a critical value on actual relations between gallery-curator-artist,
and showed that national recognized culture have apprehension to actual modern
art. More specific, the action wanted to comment usual habits of galleries not
to pay a honorarium to artists.
In public this action was accepted as overplus of VULGATA U3 (Zdenka Badovinac,
director of Modern Gallery Ljubljana, commented that this action drew attention
from exhibition itself). On national TV and in newspapers the action arised
the idea that author has the right to put the price on his work and get paid
for it.
With "The Pocket-size State of Scarecrows" I comment current social
and cultural event in society with different performances and instalations.
I am independent from institutions, my performances and instalations are held
in public places. It is important to mention that all materials for Scarecrows
and other objects in that actions are from my garbage and unuseful things. Some
more informations about my work is accsesible on www.ljudmila.org/scca/milena.kosec
and in the catalog of exhibition VULGATA in Laafeld.
If You want that your exhibition Vulgata is complete with all participated authors
as in Ljubljana, me and my assistant will be pleased to perform similar action
as in Ljubljana.
Action would comprehend:
-informal debate about mentioned topics with local artists
-public read of statement followed by my presentation of the exhibition with
national attributed Scarecrow
For realisation of this action we would need transport for two people in relation
Ljubljana-Berlin-Ljubljana, 2-3 days of accommodation in Berlin, organisation
of informal conversation with local artists and to inform the media about this
I will send this letter to You with other materials by s-mail too. I would be
very pleased if You inform Mrs. Inke Arns about this letter and let me know
her e-mail. About this letter Mr. Gregor Podnar will be informed too.
Would You please look into the subject and let us know Your decision on e-mail
tomaz.trcek@uni-lj.si .
Dil. Milena Kosec
professional artist
Tomaz Trcek
Dear Ms Kosec,
thank you for your email with the information on your performance "The
Pocket-size State of Scarecrows".
We regret to tell you that we can not take advantage of your offer as we are
not in the position to finance your travel to and accomodation in Berlin.
According to the curatorial concept it was also not foreseen to have the complete
presentation of Ljubljana.
Best regards,
Dr.Alexander Tolnay
Dear Dr.Tolnay,
Thank You for Your immediate answer. We accept yours circumstances with understanding
and hope that some day in future we maybe will collaborate.
Best regards,
dil. Milena Kosec
professional artist
Tomaz Trcek