Technical Notes (and Memories) Paola Fortuna Venice, Campo Santa Margherita, May 11th, 1999, 9 o' clock. It is morning, Matej crosses the square of San Pantalon (Pantalon trousers in italian: it could not be called otherwise), comes from Santa Margherita surrounded with its sweet odors and the smell of fish, he sits down on a bench and he decides his day. After deciding where to have breakfast (cappuccino, croissant, yogurt) observes his house by now half-dressed: he thinks about the colours, that point the job is and begins to iron. He ascends the easle, but always forgets something, when he attaches the clothes he is not satisfied, the pieces of wood today are too big, the clothes don't stick all well. He descends to search for the right look. He descends for look for those correct. He wants the clothes to be stylish, not a heap of rags. He gives much attention to the choice of the combining, is as if he must dress all the Venetians one by one: neck, shoulders, tie. Nails in mouth, hammer in pocket and safety pins attached to the over all work. Now he is a Venetian inhabitant, during his break he goes to the Zattere, eats an ice cream or a slice of pizza, looks at the Giudecca, walks, strolls, thinks. He has chosen an empty house,uninhabited for centuries, he dresses up this house with used clothes because each suit brings with itself the soul of who ever has worn to it, he wants in this way give life to the house once again.
Materials employed for the dressing: 2 drills, 2 hammers, 1 alternative hand-saw, 1 hand-saw, 1600 gr. of nails, 700 dewels, 700 screws, 35 mts. of electric wire, 1 current-tap, 2 plugs, 750 mts. of firewood boards, 30 mts. of cord, 100 mts. of thin wire, 5 mts. of rigid wire, 400 mts. of 2-mts.wide synthetic jute sheet, 5 screwdrivers, 7 kgs. ultramarine blue paint, 1 bucket, 1 flat brush, 2 brushes, 1 pair of pliers, 2 tongs, 1 flat-iron, 1 ironing-board, 77 safety-pins, 1 pulley, 1 trestle, 1 wheelbarrow, 60 washers, 1 miner's helmet, 1 rung-ladder, more than 1000 clothes and a house Clothes donated by:Alessia Pugliatti, Beatrice Zerbinato, Francesca Romana Riggio, Giovanna Palandri, Gianni Bonaccorsi, Lucia Di Gioia, Benedetta Marchiori, Grazia Fiore, Natasa Radovic, Aurora Fonda, Matej Andraz Vogrincic, Ursa Jurman, Gabi Cacinovic Vogrincic, Carlotta Vazzoler, Geza Vogrincic, Vittorio Marchiori, Fiora Gandolfi, Agnes Kohlmeyer, Marco De Michelis, Maria Teresa Lazzaro, Melania Faggion, Renzo Ballarin, Gianfranco Bettin, Rudi Oran, Adriana Teot, Massimo Forcellini, Donato Capozzi, Lorena Aburto, Rossana Gasparini, Francesco Menegatti, Nicola Marangon, Carla Fracci, Mary Fortuna, Diletta Ferrandina, Lila Lukac, Marco Caco Ferracuti, Tina Lebersec, Ana Vogrincic, Eva Jelen, Vojko in Aka Hribar, Bogo in Jelka Kovacic, Vanni De Stefani, Elena Besussi, Giovanna Polidori, Francesco Goldman, Lino Paggiaro, Anita Oran, Michela Scibilia, Daniele Resini, Gianna Biancardi, Iole Leonarduzzi, Lorenzo Truant, Massimo Cacciari, Paola Fortuna, Dina Nencini, Francesco Fortuna, Oscar Pivetti, Gianmara Donzelli, Alessandra Moro, Andrea Mattiello, Julius De Michelis, Marina Testolin, Natasha Eggert, Liliana Vianello, Elisabetta Ballarin, Vitaliano Turchetti, Maurizio Fortuna, Rita Babini, Sabrina Meneghello, Laura Boato, Silvia Baldan, Mara Rumiz, Claudio Nobbio styled by Bruno De Angelis, Luigino Poli, Roberto Ferrucci, Simone Sfriso, Fiorella Bulegato, Paola Bandini, Andrea Barbon, Nadia Della Toffola, Angela Brazzoni, Lucia Amadio, Valentina Meggiolato, Giuseppe Casarin, Mateo Eiletz, Antonio Malvezzi, Teresa Boldrin, Sabrina Zabeo, Fabiola Birolo, Anna Preguera, Marika Lacchin, Giovanni Martini, John Martin, Paola Donà, Luciana Lovato, Lucia Bulian, Nini Morelli and many others. inspired by u.
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